A cross-chain bridge. Unstoppable and permissionless.
This is new*, untested**, unaudited*** software, use with care.
You send
ETH on Ethereum
You get
ETH on Obyte
Install Obyte wallet if you don't have one yet, and copy/paste your address here.
Counterstake is a fully decentralized cross-chain transfer protocol. There are no admins, no central operators, no owners, no custodians. Participation in the protocol is open, there are no designated multisig participants, federated signers, or threshold signatures. All transfers are direct, there are no central hubs or relays. No token is required to use the protocol. There are no protocol fees. The code is immutable, not upgradable, unstoppable. There are no access controls, no gatekeepers, no KYC, no your customer.
* Since July 2021.
** Only $450,000 have been transferred so far.
*** Only Ethereum, BSC, and Polygon contracts have been audited.